Time Management for Artists, good times, family times, and ME time

I’ve been delinquent in my posting. I’ve had an amazing whirlwind of a couple weeks, including enjoying visits from my sister Ruth from Hawaii, my newly-turned-21 son Andrew and two friends, and a weekend in NYC  (including an amazing dinner at Lombardi’s Pizza, a trip to Lion Brand Yarns and FAO Schwarz), an enjoyable night of music with my Ray in Untermeyer Park in Yonkers with artist friend Barbara Glasser (as seen in this WABC article) listening to Adesso as the sun went down, and a visit from a friend from upstate, who lifted our spirits with giggles and good times over Chipotle and a feeling of home.

I’m not slacking, however.  I’ve been working full time and also working as much as possible on my Senior Project for my graduation requirements so I can graduate at the end of this year with my degree in Arts Management. I will be posting links to my Virtual Museum (which is just as much work as creating an actual museum, maybe even more!) soon.

In the meantime, I am working on my time management skills.  Here’s a link to a great article I happened across this morning, when I luxuriated in some “me time” just plain reading for enjoyment.

4 Time Management Tips for Artists

Also, if you haven’t seen the Tomás Saraceno on the Roof: Cloud City exhibition on the roof of the Met, be sure to, it runs through November 4, 2012 (weather permitting). Click below for a peek at my Flickr set from that weekend. 


~ by The Gallery Goddess on August 19, 2012.

2 Responses to “Time Management for Artists, good times, family times, and ME time”

  1. Vicki, thanks for the Like. I enjoyed the Cloud City photos. It looks like you’re doing well.

    • Hi, Barbara! Cloud City was beautifully mindbending. I’m loving your blog. The photos are amazing. The tone is perfect, almost like standing in your studio talking with you. What a wonderful place to get to know you. I would go so far to call your blog a “Virtual Studio.”

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